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40+ LUTs "WONDERLAND" // Psychedelic Lut Pack

Wonderland LUTs - Psychedelic Lut Pack

Here are 40+ LUTs aimed to give you a unique colorful psychedelic look to your images and videos. These color grading presets are beautiful and flamboyant, perfect to create a dream-like atmosphere.

I split LUT Pack into two sections. ALIEN and SKIN
  • The SKIN LUTs are aimed to preserve natural skin tones as much as possible while completely shifting the other colors. Creating a surrealistic atmosphere.
  • The ALIEN LUTs are crazy LUTs aiming to shift colors hue in any way that is possible. These LUTs are amazing for landscape, city-scape and my favorite to use them is night-time film making.

What you will get: 
  • 21 Alien LUTs - Aimed to create the most surreal atmosphere possible.
  • 23 Skin LUTS - Aimed to preserve natural skin color as much as possible while still creating a flamboyant dream-like atmosphere.

How to install LUTs:

As always, thank you so much for your support! 

hugs to you all, 
Arnulfur - That Icelandic Guy.

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